The cell membrane must balance mechanical stability with fluidity to function as both a barrier and an organizational platform. Key to this balance is the ordering of hydrocarbon chains and the packing of lipids. Many eukaryotes synthesize sterols, which are uniquely capable of modulating the lipid order to decouple membrane stability from fluidity. Ancient sterol analogs known as hopanoids are found in many bacteria and proposed as ancestral ordering lipids. The juxtaposition of sterols and hopanoids in extant organisms prompts us to ask why both pathways persist, especially in light of their convergent ability to order lipids. In this work, simulations, monolayer experiments, and cellular assays show that hopanoids and sterols order unsaturated phospholipids differently based on the position of double bonds in the phospholipid acyl chain. We find that cholesterol and diplopterol's methyl group distributions lead to distinct effects on unsaturated lipids. In Mesoplasma florum, diplopterol's constrained ordering capacity reduces membrane resistance to osmotic stress, unlike cholesterol. These findings suggest that cholesterol's broader lipid-ordering ability may have facilitated the exploration of a more diverse lipidomic landscape in eukaryotic membranes.