The mutational landscape of normal human endometrial epithelium
Luiza Moore,
Daniel LeongamornlertTim Coorens,
Mathijs Sanders,
Peter Ellis,
Stefan Dentro,
Kevin Dawson,
Timothy Butler,
Raheleh Rahbari,
Thomas Mitchell,
Francesco Maura,
Jyoti Nangalia,
Patrick Tarpey,
Simon Brunner,
Henry Lee-Six,
Yvette Hooks,
Sarah Moody,
Krishnaa Mahbubani,
Mercedes Jimenez‐Liñan,
Jan Brosens,
Christine Iacobuzio‐Donahue,
Iñigo Martincorena,
Kourosh Saeb‐Parsy,
Peter Campbell +22 authors
Michael Stratton Tip Tip