An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex
April Dalton,
Martin MargoldChris Stokes,
Lev Tarasov,
Arthur Dyke,
Roberta Adams,
Serge Allard,
Heather Arends,
Nigel Atkinson,
John Attig,
Peter Barnett,
Robert Barnett,
Martin Batterson,
Pascal Bernatchez,
Harold Borns,
Andy Breckenridge,
Jason Briner,
Étienne Brouard,
J Campbell,
Anders Carlson,
John Clague,
B. Curry,
Robert-André Daigneault,
Hugo Dubé‐Loubert,
Don Easterbrook,
David Franzi,
Hannah Friedrich,
Svend Funder,
Michelle Gauthier,
Angela Gowan,
Ken Harris,
Bernard Hétu,
Tom Hooyer,
Carrie Jennings,
Mark Johnson,
Alan Kehew,
Samuel Kelley,
D Kerr,
E.L. King,
Kristian Kjeldsen,
Alan Knaeble,
Patrick Lajeunesse,
Thomas Lakeman,
Michel Lamothe,
Phillip Larson,
Martin Lavoie,
Henry Loope,
Thomas Lowell,
B.A. Lusardi,
Lorraine Manz,
I McMartin,
F. Nixon,
Serge Occhietti,
Michael Parkhill,
David Piper,
Antonius Pronk,
Pierre Richard,
John Ridge,
Martin Ross,
Martin Roy,
Allen Seaman,
John Shaw,
Rudolph Stea,
James Teller,
Woodrow Thompson,
L Thorleifson,
D Utting,
J Veillette,
Brent Ward,
Thomas Weddle,
Herbert Wright +69 authors
Andrew Dalton Tip Tip