Association of Body Mass Index with DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in Blood Cells and Relations to Cardiometabolic Disease: A Mendelian Randomization Approach
Michael Mendelson,
Riccardo MarioniRoby Joehanes,
Chunyu Liu,
Åsa Hedman,
Stella Aslibekyan,
Ellen Demerath,
Weihua Guan,
Degui Zhi,
Chen Yao,
Tianxiao Huan,
Christine Willinger,
Brian Chen,
Paul Courchesne,
Michael Multhaup,
Marguerite Irvin,
Ariella Cohain,
Eric Schadt,
Megan Grove,
Jan Bressler,
K.E. North,
Johan Sundström,
Stefan Gustafsson,
Sonia Shah,
Allan McRae,
Sarah Harris,
Jude Gibson,
Paul Redmond,
Janie Corley,
Lee Murphy,
John Starr,
Erica Kleinbrink,
Leonard Lipovich,
Peter Visscher,
Naomi Wray,
Ronald Krauss,
M. Fallin,
Andrew Feinberg,
Devin Absher,
Myriam Fornage,
James Pankow,
Lars Lind,
Caroline Fox,
Erik Ingelsson,
Donna Arnett,
Eric Boerwinkle,
Liming Liang,
Daniel Levy,
Ian Deary +47 authors
Pierre Validire