Abstract The [C ii ] 158 μ m emission line and the underlying far-infrared (FIR) dust continuum are important tracers for studying star formation and kinematic properties of early galaxies. We present a survey of the [C ii ] emission lines and FIR continua of 31 luminous quasars at z > 6.5 using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array at sub-arcsec resolution. This survey more than doubles the number of quasars with [C ii ] and FIR observations at these redshifts and enables statistical studies of quasar host galaxies deep into the epoch of reionization. We detect [C ii ] emission in 27 quasar hosts with a luminosity range of L [C II ] = (0.3–5.5) × 10 9 L ⊙ and detect the FIR continuum of 28 quasar hosts with a luminosity range of L FIR = (0.5–13.0) × 10 12 L ⊙ . Both L [C II ] and L FIR are correlated ( ρ ≃ 0.4) with the quasar bolometric luminosity, albeit with substantial scatter. The quasar hosts detected by ALMA are clearly resolved with a median diameter of ∼5 kpc. About 40% of the quasar host galaxies show a velocity gradient in [C ii ] emission, while the rest show either dispersion-dominated or disturbed kinematics. Basic estimates of the dynamical masses of the rotation-dominated host galaxies yield M dyn = (0.1–7.5) × 10 11 M ⊙ . Considering our findings alongside those of literature studies, we found that the ratio between M BH and M dyn is about 10 times higher than that of local M BH – M dyn relation on average but with substantial scatter (the ratio difference ranging from ∼0.6 to 60) and large uncertainties.
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