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Strengthen the Power Conversion Efficiency of Solar Cell Based RbGeI3: Numerical Approach

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The current study employs numerical simulations via the SCAPS-1D platform to investigate the performance of solar cells based on perovskite, with RbGeI3 utilized as an absorber material possessing a wide bandgap of 1.31 eV. Through systematic exploration of various parameters including temperature, layer thickness, doping, and defects, the study aims to enhance the efficiency of the solar cells, considering their sensitivity to temperature variations. Results demonstrate that the proposed configuration effectively extends the absorption spectrum into the near-infrared region, with the thickness of the RbGeI3 layer emerging as a critical factor influencing device performance. Analysis reveals that the series resistance peaks at 2 Ω·см2, while the shunt resistance achieves optimal output parameters of up to 103 Ω·см2. Moreover, optimization efforts yield a solar cell exhibiting a power conversion efficiency of 24.62%, fill factor of 82.8%, open circuit voltage of 0.99V, and short circuit current density of 33.20 mA/cm2 at a RbGeI3 thickness of 0.6 um. This comprehensive numerical investigation not only enhances understanding of the intricate factors influencing perovskite solar cells but also suggests promising avenues for future advancements in the field.

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