Analysis of 94 Candidate Genes and 12 Endophenotypes for Schizophrenia From the Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia
Tiffany Greenwood,
Laura LazzeroniSarah Murray,
Kristin Cadenhead,
Monica Calkins,
Dorcas Dobie,
Michael Green,
Raquel Gur,
Ruben Gur,
Gary Hardiman,
John Kelsoe,
Sherry Leonard,
Gregory Light,
Keith Nuechterlein,
Ann Olincy,
Allen Radant,
Nicholas Schork,
Larry Seidman,
Larry Siever,
Jeremy Silverman,
William Stone,
Neal Swerdlow,
Debby Tsuang,
Ming Tsuang,
Bruce Turetsky,
Robert Freedman,
David Braff +25 authors
Laura Jelliffe‐Pawlowski Tip Tip