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Experimental investigation of the radial structure of energetic particle driven GAM in TCV

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Abstract High amplitude energetic particle geodesic acoustic mode (EGAM) oscillations driven by Neutral Beam (NBI) injected in the direction counter to the toroidal plasma current are observed in the TCV tokamak. The modes appear at frequencies close to the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) frequency, corresponding to the mode radii calculated without plasma elongation corrections. The spatial structure of the EGAM density oscillation is analyzed using multichannel Soft X-Ray (SXR) and broadband light emission diagnostics. The analysis of spatiotemporal emission data shows a non-rotating structure of the density oscillations. The non-rotating mode discrimination is the additional new capability of the multichannel spatiotemporal SXR data analysis technique in TCV. We present the discrimination method of assessing the standing character of the EGAM wave. The structure of EGAM density oscillations in TCV is consistent with the theoretical GAM poloidal structure, namely a m=1 standing wave with density oscillations amplitude proportional to sin(θ), where the poloidal angle θ is measured from the equatorial plane. The poloidal structure of magnetic the field oscillations is analyzed using a poloidal array of magnetic coils. The structure of the EGAM-induced magnetic field oscillations in TCV is a m=2 standing wave. Time evolution of EGAMs suggests that a nonlinear EGAM chirping is observed. The chirping depends on the EGAM radial location, which varies as the NBI deposition is varied through a vertical shift of the plasma magnetic axis. The chirping disappears at the plasma periphery. A fast periodic radial shift of the EGAMs radial location is also observed to occur during the single chirp.

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