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Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals

Aug 30, 2023
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Podcast Host: Dr. Andrew Huberman (Stanford Associate Professor - brain development, brain plasticity, and neural regeneration and repair fields).

Key Takeaways:

  1. Dr. Andrew Huberman reveals brain areas affecting goal pursuit, motivation, and happiness (Segment 2).
  2. Embracing challenging goals triggers brain networks, like the amygdala, fostering neuroplasticity for enhanced learning and growth, despite initial discomfort (Segment 4). 
  3. Specific actions, not vague goals, bolstered by measurable details, enhance neural integration, transcending device input, crucial for achieving success. (Segment 6). 
  4. Public accountability reduces motivation; "Don't Tell the World “Protects it (Segment 7). 
  5. When goals satisfy personal needs and add value, intrinsic motivation develops (Segment 8).
  6. Visualizing favorable and negative outcomes motivates (Segment 11).
  7. Utilizing visual focus techniques, such as enhances motivation and concentration within designated work intervals, promoting optimal performance and goal achievement (Segment 12).
  8. Enhance focus by minimizing mobile distractions, utilizing techniques like airplane mode (Segment 13). 
  9. Employing intermittent rewards, acknowledging milestones, and fostering neuroplasticity amplify motivation's effectiveness and fulfillment (Segment 14). 
  10. Prioritizing accomplishment, optimism, and effective goal pursuit enhances energy and well-being (Segment 17).


In this podcast, Dr. Andrew Huberman will discuss evidence-based approaches to setting and achieving goals, emphasizing strategies to enhance the likelihood of successful outcomes. The author will explicate the process of defining a priority and achieving a specific aim through a systematic assessment of elements such as level of difficulty, measurability, milestones, and requisite action steps involved in progressing from commencement to completion. The presenter will additionally expound upon evidence-based strategies that have the potential to improve an individual's performance in cognitive or physical tasks aimed at achieving certain objectives. The strategies discussed in this context include the utilization of directed imagery, the manipulation of reward timing, and the optimization of the physical environment. In addition, my objective is to challenge commonly held assumptions regarding the process of establishing and achieving goals. This episode introduces a compilation of scientifically supported strategies that are free of charge and aimed at developing, pursuing, and attaining goals. These strategies can be applied to various physical or cognitive endeavors.

(1). 00:00:00 Goal Setting Toolkit 

Dr. Andrew Huberman aims to equip individuals with a complete array of strategies to optimize their capacity to define and pursue goals with efficacy. This scholarly discussion will cover the subjects of goal selection, progress measurement, motivation maintenance, and the debunking of commonly held myths regarding goal setting. While a brief discussion will be provided on the biological mechanisms underlying these approaches, the main focus will be on the protocols themselves. The process has various essential elements, specifically the identification of goals, selection of targets, commencement, and maintenance of goal pursuit, evaluation of progress, and analysis after achieving the goals. By integrating a variety of different procedures, individuals can significantly increase their probability of effectively defining and achieving their objectives. I articulate my thoughts by striking a balance between self-assurance and modesty, as the principles I abide by are grounded in meticulous scientific inquiry and have exhibited a consistent history of favorable outcomes.

(2). 00:04:43 Biology of Goal Setting & Pursuit 

Dr. Andrew Huberman provides a comprehensive analysis of the neural circuitry involved in the initiation and execution of goal setting and pursuit, principally driven by two fundamental justifications. The understanding of the biological components of this phenomenon is captivating and facilitates the tailoring of regimens. The neural network involved in the process of goal-setting encompasses four main brain regions, including the amygdala, basal ganglia, lateral prefrontal cortex, and orbital frontal cortex. The amygdala plays a crucial role in the regulation of vigilance, fear reactions, and the processing of positive events. The basal ganglia consist of the go (action initiation) and no-go (action withholding) pathways, which are integral to several cognitive functions, including learning and decision-making. The lateral prefrontal cortex is a crucial component in the facilitation of both short-term and long-term planning processes, which are important for the achievement of goals. The primary elements within this particular framework encompass the awareness of temporal intervals, spatial orientation, and the monitoring of advancement. The orbital frontal cortex is a critical component in the evaluation of emotional states linked to the pursuit of objectives, hence impacting our levels of motivation and contentment. The aforementioned interrelated components collectively constitute the core neural circuitry that is accountable for the development and subsequent pursuit of objectives [1].

Figure 1. Animal and human homologies in goal-directed and habitual behavior [2].


1. Berkman, E.T., The Neuroscience of Goals and Behavior Change. Consult Psychol J, 2018. 70(1): p. 28-44.

2. Wong, S., B. Balleine, and F. Kumfor, A new framework for conceptualizing symptoms in frontotemporal dementia: From animal models to the clinic. Brain: a journal of neurology, 2018. 141.

(3). 00:08:50 Tool 1: Choose a Priority Goal 

In his discourse, Dr. Huberman examines the inherent neurological circuitry that underlies the process of setting and pursuing goals, emphasizing that irrespective of the nature of the objective, whether it pertains to physical fitness, scholastic achievement, professional endeavors, or personal aspirations, individuals universally engage the same neuronal pathways inside the brain. This observation provides reassurance, indicating that prioritizing the utilization of biology-based tools and methods has the potential to improve the attainment of objectives. The initial stage is the process of carefully choosing a certain objective. Numerous individuals experience failure when they endeavor to pursue multiple objectives concurrently, employing a strategy sometimes referred to as the "overhaul approach." Dr. Huberman places particular emphasis on the notion of prioritization, advocating for the practice of focusing on a singular objective that is in alignment with one's values, available resources, and personal drive. The selection method employed in this context is characterized by an individualistic approach, when one evaluates their personal aspirations, eliminates aims of lesser importance, and identifies their principal emphasis. This methodology enhances the probability of achieving the desired objectives [3].

Figure 2. fMRI contrasts for various social sequencing tasks revealing activation [4].


3. The Science of Setting Goals – and How to Achieve Them. Available from:

4. Van Overwalle, F., et al., The Involvement of the Posterior Cerebellum in Reconstructing and Predicting Social Action Sequences. The Cerebellum, 2022. 21: p. 1-9.

(4). 00:12:04 Tool 2: Pursue Lofty Goals

 The empirical evidence derived from scientific research suggests that the level of difficulty connected with a goal significantly impacts its likelihood of being realized. This finding challenges the popular belief that goals of lower complexity are more likely to be successfully attained. Goals that lack complexity fail to stimulate the crucial brain networks, such as the amygdala, which play a significant role in sustaining long-term dedication. To enhance the process of learning and facilitate personal development, it is crucial to adopt a certain degree of discomfort and even mild apprehension. These circumstances evoke neuroplasticity, a phenomenon that pertains to the brain's ability to undergo modifications, hence enhancing the learning process. The importance of selecting a challenging goal rather than a mundane one should not be underestimated. In the pursuit of your chosen primary purpose, strive to achieve a level of accomplishment that exceeds your current perceived limitations. The present methodology evokes sentiments of discontent and concern, while also functioning as evidence of ongoing neuroplasticity. The orbital frontal cortex has a dual function in the assessment of emotional states during the course of goal-directed behavior and in comprehending the significance of experiencing discomfort in promoting neural changes. The acknowledgment of discontent as a fundamental element of advancement enables individuals to reevaluate their viewpoint, aiding the discernment of individual growth in the face of difficult situations. It is crucial to recognize that neuroplasticity does not manifest instantaneously; instead, it is triggered by feelings of frustration, and the following reorganization of brain pathways to improve performance occurs during periods of significant rest, such as deep sleep [5].


5. The Importance, Benefits, and Value of Goal Setting. Available from:

(5). 00:17:23 Tool 3: Define Verb Actions, Measurability & Specificity; Writing vs. Typing 

After determining the primary objective, it is imperative to undertake two essential actions prior to commencing its pursuit. To begin, it is essential to establish precise definitions for the specific verbs that encapsulate the acts required to attain the desired objective. The attainment of precision is crucial for enhancing the probability of success and maintaining enthusiasm throughout the endeavor. Numerous individuals often establish goals that resemble titles in their vagueness, such as "attain physical fitness" or "acquire language proficiency." However, a more efficacious approach entails delineating the specific actions required to achieve these objectives. Documenting your objective and its exact details is crucial for internalizing this information within your neural network, beyond the efficacy of inputting it via a mobile device.  In order to elucidate the concept, while establishing the specificity of a verb, it is advisable to introspect and determine the principal activities that are indispensable for the attainment of one's objective. To illustrate, when endeavoring to enhance physical fitness through the combination of running and weightlifting, it is imperative to establish clear and specific goals. This entails specifying the number of miles to be run on a weekly basis or determining the frequency and duration of gym visits, with a focus on engaging in rigorous exercise. When considering language acquisition, it is essential to delineate the amount of time dedicated to both instructional classes and practical application on a weekly basis. The need for measurability and specificity for achieving success is widely acknowledged in the scientific literature. These two factors have a substantial influence on the probability of achieving success. Research such as recycling research exemplifies the efficacy of employing particular objectives and measures to enhance recycling behaviors within a working setting. The ideas of specificity and measurability continually arise as crucial variables for achieving success in goal development and pursuit, across diverse fields. Hence, dedicating time to precisely delineating actions and quantifying the level of effort exerted can significantly augment the attainment of ostensibly big objectives [6].

Figure 3. Off-the-shelf deep learning is not enough and requires parsimony, Bayesianity, and causality [7].


6. Popescu, S., et al., Competitive Development Tools in Identifying Efficient Educational Interventions for Improving Pro-Environmental and Recycling Behavior. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2019. 17(1).

7. Vasudevan, R.K., et al., Off-the-shelf deep learning is not enough, and requires parsimony, Bayesianity, and causality. npj Computational Materials, 2021. 7(1): p. 16.

(6). 00:24:06 Tool 4: Visual Reminder Myth; “Post-It Fallacy” 

There exists a prevalent misconception regarding the efficacy of employing visual signals, such as Post-it notes, as a means to enhance goal adherence. In contrast to this notion, the mere act of affixing a Post-it note in a constant position, such as a mirror or refrigerator, does not enhance the probability of adhering to one's objective. The visual system demonstrates adaptability in response to frequent stimuli, regardless of the density or sparsity of the surrounding environment. This phenomenon denotes the brain's tendency to gradually suppress or disregard visual stimuli that are already familiar or have been seen repeatedly. Alternatively, a more efficacious strategy entails the daily rewriting of one's objectives and the strategic placement of novel visual cues in various settings. The brain's ability to adapt and discard reminders is hindered by the constant alteration of those reminders. This phenomenon is not limited just to tangible cues such as Post-it notes, but also extends to digital notifications within applications, as individuals have a tendency to gradually disregard or discard them. When attempting to refute this misconception, it is crucial to comprehend that the brain's inclination to acclimatize to habitual visual stimuli impacts its efficacy in facilitating the achievement of objectives [8].



(7). 00:26:44 Tool 5: Accountability Myth, “Don’t Tell the World” Rule 

The second myth concerns the notion of accountability in the pursuit of goals. In contrast to prevailing assumptions, openly declaring one's goals to others with the expectation of receiving positive feedback and fostering accountability does not inevitably augment motivation or improve the likelihood of achieving those goals. Although the act of communicating one's objectives may initially elicit good responses, following activation of reward systems in the brain might be transient and potentially detrimental. The phenomenon referred to as the "accountability myth" is recognized in the context of goal pursuit. The receipt of positive feedback from others elicits activation of reward circuits, which subsequently diminishes over time, hence diminishing one's motivation to engage in persistent actions aimed at achieving their goal. The concept of accountability may have unintended consequences since it has been seen that sustained engagement with accountability measures can lead to a decrease in motivation due to the diminishing effect on the brain's reward response. In response to this issue, Dr. Huberman proposes the implementation of a strategy known as the "Don't Tell the World Rule." Instead of publicly proclaiming your objectives, direct your attention to a narrower and more personal network. It is advisable to communicate your planned activities during designated time periods, such as workout sessions, to a limited group of individuals, such as immediate family members or close acquaintances. Nevertheless, the primary focus lies in the avoidance of extensively disseminating one's objectives. The underlying justification for this regulation is to inhibit the early stimulation of reward mechanisms, which is frequently driven by the favorable reinforcement obtained from external sources. This strategy enables individuals to sustain the inherent motivation required for the ongoing pursuit of their objectives. On the contrary, placing excessive reliance on external validation has the potential to impair one's motivation and overall level of achievement [9].

Figure 4. fMRI regional activation associated with Planning [10].


9. Li, P. and G.J.E.l.t. Pan, The Relationship between Motivation and Achievement--A Survey of the Study Motivation of English Majors in Qingdao Agricultural University. 2009. 2(1): p. 123-128.

10. Boyd, L., et al., Manipulating time-to-plan alters patterns of brain activation during the Fitts’ task. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale, 2009. 194: p. 527-39.

(8). 00:31:35 Intrinsic Motivation & Goal Achievement

The friction model for goal attainment possesses inherent strengths. From a subjective standpoint, the act of articulating a personal objective to an acquaintance or relative and encountering skepticism over its attainability elicits a certain reaction within me. This reaction entails the involvement of specific neural circuits, hormonal mechanisms, and neurochemical processes that contribute to an increased motivation to exert greater effort in pursuit of a particular objective. Nevertheless, employing this strategy carries inherent risks, particularly when the objective aligns with one's own desires. This can result in a scenario wherein a significant portion of one's endeavors is centered on refuting an individual's assertions rather than directing attention toward accomplishing the objective at hand. It is conceivable to concurrently pursue both objectives and derive satisfaction from refuting someone's beliefs. However, it is vital to derive enjoyment from the endeavor of aiming toward the objective for its intrinsic value. The inherent incentive, which is closely linked to the specific action being performed, is a powerful and enduring catalyst [11, 12]. 

Figure 05. Patterns of multiple brain network activation in dot perspective task [13].


11. Rawsthorne, L.J., A.J.J.P. Elliot, and S.P. Review, Achievement goals and intrinsic motivation: A meta-analytic review. 1999. 3(4): p. 326-344.

12. Liao, C.-W., et al., The interactivity of video and collaboration for learning achievement, intrinsic motivation, cognitive load, and behavior patterns in a digital game-based learning environment. 2019. 133: p. 43-55.

13. Montandon, M.-L., et al., Patterns of multiple brain network activation in dot perspective task. Scientific Reports, 2023. 13(1): p. 6793.

(9). 00:33:54 Tool 6: Measurable Goal; Quarterly Cycle

In the realm of goal pursuit, it is crucial to ascertain if one's target exhibits the characteristic of measurability. This refers to the procedure of determining the total time frame required to achieve the aim, together with the precise allocation of time on a weekly or daily basis. Various time frames can be utilized, however, it is recommended to adhere to a 12-week timeframe in order to effectively pursue one's objectives. This phenomenon aligns with the recognized trends in societal dynamics, occupational schedules, and fluctuations associated with different seasons. Throughout the course of this 12-week period, it is crucial to ascertain the exact amount of hours that will be allocated to the pursuit of the aim on a weekly and daily basis. Moreover, it is vital to ascertain the precise dates on which these endeavors would be carried out. The application of these three principles, specifically the 12-week cycle, weekly hours, and daily hours, has demonstrated effectiveness in attaining a diverse array of goals. The documentation of these specific details using either a pen or a pencil is of utmost importance, as research emphasizes that physically transcribing goals significantly enhances the pursuit of these objectives, hence greatly increasing the likelihood of achieving success. This process involves the identification of verbs that can be acted upon and the precise determination of the time needed to carry out these actions, with the goal of attaining the intended purpose [14].


14. Andrasik, M.P., et al., Increasing Black, Indigenous and People of Color participation in clinical trials through community engagement and recruitment goal establishment. 2021. 16(10): p. e0258858

(10). 00:37:35 Tool 7: Quantifiable Goals; Book Writing 

The process of establishing and measuring objectives can differ among various endeavors. Certain objectives, such as attaining a particular running duration, include quantifiable attributes and can be deconstructed into feasible training measures. For example, achieving a mile run in under six minutes can be accomplished by the establishment of intermediate goals and the systematic monitoring of one's advancement. Nevertheless, other objectives are more challenging to quantify, such as the attainment of an academic degree or the acquisition of proficiency in conversational French. In these instances, it is imperative to prioritize the quantification of temporal and exertional investments in everyday activities. Although objectives such as publishing a book may lack immediately measurable outcomes, seasoned authors suggest the importance of setting out devoted time for regular and purposeful effort. The significance of allocating dedicated hours or word counts on a daily basis is emphasized, irrespective of relying on inspiration or striving for particular book lengths. The crucial factor lies in the dedication to a continuous course of activity rather than solely focusing on achieving an ideal result. Fundamentally, irrespective of the degree to which the ultimate objective can be measured, achieving success hinges upon comprehending and dedicating oneself to particular courses of action. The act of quantifying the duration dedicated to these activities and constantly participating in them presents the highest probability of attaining diverse objectives [15].

            Figure 6. fMRI test result depicting brain activities mapping [16].


15. Helmold, M. and W. Samara, Progress in performance management. 2019: Springer.

16. Borysiuk, Z., et al., Application of sEMG and Posturography as Tools in the Analysis of Biosignals of Aging Process of Subjects in the Post-production Age. 2018. p. 23-29.

(11). 00:43:34 Tool 8: Visualization of End; Motivation & Negative Thinking 

When it comes to commencing the pursuit of goals, regardless of one's level of motivation, specific tactics can be utilized. Engaging in a brief period of visualization, lasting approximately one to three minutes, or perhaps extending up to five minutes, might prove efficacious for individuals possessing either a high level of motivation or a moderate degree of motivation. This practice involves mentally picturing the desired pleasant outcome and the corresponding positive emotions. This approach elicits the activation of specific neurochemicals and serves as a catalyst for motivating action. Nevertheless, if one encounters difficulty in cultivating motivation toward a desired goal, it is advisable to consider employing an alternative methodology. Engaging in a brief period of one to three minutes, or possibly extending to five minutes, for the purpose of mentally envisioning the adverse outcome, experiencing the emotional distress associated with failing to attain the desired objective, and comprehending the potential repercussions of such failure can have advantageous results. This method effectively engages several components of the neurological system and hormone system, eliciting a heightened sense of motivation to initiate action. It is important to acknowledge that both positive vision, which serves as a source of inspiration, and negative imagery, which acts as a catalyst for initiating action, have their own roles and significance. This pertains not to self-critique, but rather to comprehending the means by which various psychological systems might be employed to harmonize with one's objectives [17].

Figure 7. Brain regions are associated with positive versus negative conditions [18].


17. Jabagi, N., et al., Gig-workers’ motivation: thinking beyond carrots and sticks. 2019. 34(4): p. 192-213.

18. Moll, J., et al., A Neural Signature of Affiliative Emotion in the Human Septohypothalamic Area. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2012. 32: p. 12499-12505.

(12). 00:51:44 Tool 9: Visual Target/Finish Line Training & Perceived Effort 

When it comes to maintaining effort during the pursuit of goals, there exist several instruments and methods that can be utilized within different time frames. The primary emphasis lies in sustaining motivation and concentration during designated one-hour or 90-minute intervals of work devoted to one's objective. The process is significantly influenced by visual focus. The visual focus of an individual can be modified by altering the direction of one's sight, either by narrowing or broadening it. This phenomenon has an impact on an individual's cognitive and physical preparedness for engaging in work-related activities. The act of narrowing one's visual attention to a specific spot has been found to elicit the activation of neural circuits located in the brainstem. This activation subsequently leads to the release of neurochemicals, hence promoting heightened levels of alertness and arousal. On the contrary, expanding one's visual attention induces a state of relaxation in this physiological response.

In order to establish and maintain motivation throughout a training block, it is advisable to take into account the following steps:

  1. Please initiate a timer for a minimum duration of 30 seconds, with the option to extend it up to a maximum of 90 seconds.
  2. Select a visual target that falls within the scope of your task.
  3. Direct your gaze towards the designated target and sustain visual concentration.
  4. Maintain visual attention while actively pursuing your objectives.
  5. This activity has been found to improve focus, attentiveness, and cognitive engagement.

The use of visual target training has been shown to be beneficial in terms of decreasing perceived exertion and enhancing work output during a training session. This tool is a straightforward behavioral technique that effectively improves motivation and concentration. It is important to bear in mind that this tool serves as a supplement to a solid basis of adequate sleep, appropriate diet, effective stress management, and other fundamental behaviors that contribute to achieving optimal performance. In addition, it is advisable to take regular breaks to rest your eyes and transition into a wider field of vision in order to mitigate eye fatigue and uphold your general state of health while striving towards your objectives. This strategy is particularly beneficial when allocating prolonged durations to one's task. By integrating visual attention strategies, individuals can effectively augment their motivation and concentration throughout designated time intervals committed to the pursuit of their goals [19].

Figure 8. Focused attention meditation increases cognitive control during motor sequence performance [20].


19. Keogh, A., et al., The determinants of marathon performance: an observational analysis of anthropometric, pre-race and in-race variables. 2020. 13(6): p. 1132.

20. Chan, R.W., et al., Focused-attention meditation increases cognitive control during motor sequence performance: Evidence from the N2 cortical evoked potential. Behavioural Brain Research, 2020. 384: p. 112536.

(13). 01:05:50 Tool 10: Distance from Phone

There are several straightforward yet very efficient techniques for augmenting productivity and concentration in the pursuit of objectives. One such practice involves the deliberate reduction of distractions arising from one's mobile device. In a recent publication, Tim Ferris presented a compilation of insights he deemed valuable in retrospect, specifically focusing on his younger self at the age of 20. Among the various items listed, one particular entry stands out as highly pertinent: the most effective tool for enhancing productivity lies readily available on one's mobile device, namely the airplane mode or the act of powering off the phone entirely [21].

  1. Eliminate Distractions:

It is advisable to activate airplane mode or power off your mobile device during periods of concentrated work. If feasible, eliminate it from your workplace entirely in order to reduce the inclination to verify its contents.

  1. Prioritize Focus:

In the pursuit of optimizing productivity, it is important to acknowledge that implementing straightforward measures, such as reducing interruptions from mobile devices, can have a substantial impact on one's capacity to maintain concentration and achieve efficiency.

  1. Limit Phone Access:

It is advisable to refrain from keeping one's phone in an upward position while having both Wi-Fi and cellular service activated unless it directly contributes to the pursuit of one's objectives. Ideally, the recommended course of action would involve turning the device upside down, powering it down, or relocating it to a different area.

  1. Extreme Measures:

In instances of heightened severity, individuals may resort to using radical measures in order to mitigate the allure of distractions posed by their mobile devices. As an illustration, one may choose to transfer possession of their mobile device to another individual, explicitly directing them to withhold its return until a predetermined moment.

  1. Incentive System:

One potential strategy to foster personal responsibility and minimize phone usage during concentrated work sessions is the implementation of an incentive framework. This may be providing oneself with a reward or enlisting the assistance of others, such as colleagues or friends, to bolster one's dedication.

Figure 09. Neural Correlates of Smartphone Dependence in Adolescents [22].


21. Lee, A.-K., et al., Brain SAR of average male Korean child to adult models for mobile phone exposure assessment. 2019. 64(4): p. 045004.

22. Tymofiyeva, O., et al., Neural Correlates of Smartphone Dependence in Adolescents. 2020. 14.

(14). 01:08:31 Tool 11: Random, Intermittent Reinforcement; Cognitive Rewards 

A comprehensive comprehension of the function of dopamine as a motivational chemical is vital in order to sustain unwavering motivation during the course of one's endeavors toward achieving objectives. It is imperative to acknowledge that the impact of dopamine on motivation is contingent upon various circumstances, such as reward prediction mistakes and baseline levels. In order to enhance one's motivation levels during work sessions, it is advisable to take into account the notion of random intermittent reinforcement [23].

The following are the essential factors to take into account:

  1. Dopamine and Motivation

Dopamine plays a crucial role in the regulation of motivation; yet, its impact is multifaceted and intricate. Although providing rewards can be beneficial in enhancing motivation, excessive use of rewards might lead to a decrease in its effectiveness over time.

  1. Avoid Over-Rewarding

The act of consistently providing rewards to oneself as a means of acknowledging the achievement of milestones or the completion of tasks has the potential to diminish motivation over an extended period of time. Over the course of time, the brain undergoes a process of adapting its baseline level of dopamine production, resulting in a diminished efficacy of rewards.

  1. Avoid Exclusive Goal Reward

Exclusively depending on the attainment of one's ultimate objective as the sole form of gratification may also diminish one's motivation. The dopamine system of the brain experiences advantageous effects from diverse and sporadic reinforcing.

  1. Random Intermittent Reinforcement

The utilization of random intermittent reinforcement is considered the most efficacious strategy for sustaining motivation. This entails the practice of providing oneself with sporadic incentives upon achieving significant milestones, as opposed to adhering to a predetermined routine of rewards.

  1. Implementing the Protocol

Upon the completion of a milestone, it is suggested to engage in the act of flipping a coin. In the event that the outcome of the coin toss is headed, it is recommended that you provide yourself with a reward. Conversely, if the outcome is tails, it is advised that you refrain from rewarding yourself. This phenomenon results in an equal probability of occurrence, with a consequent sense of unpredictability in the outcomes.

  1. Cognitive Rewards

Cognitive rewards encompass the act of recognizing one's advancements and exertions while ensuring that self-appraisal does not reach a point of undue exaggeration. Upon reaching a significant milestone, it is imperative to pause and acknowledge one's accomplishments while reaffirming one's capacity to establish and accomplish objectives.

  1. Physical Rewards

The phenomenon of random intermittent reinforcement also extends to tangible rewards, such as indulging in activities like watching a movie or enjoying a preferred meal. The crucial factor lies in establishing an element of uncertainty about the timing of rewards.

  1. Neuroplasticity and Motivation

The act of actively pursuing goals not only serves to improve the particular brain circuits that are necessary for the achievement of those goals but also has the effect of enhancing the more general neural circuits that are linked with motivation. This implies that one's capacity to actively seek and successfully attain future objectives will be enhanced.

Figure 10. The Reward Circuit: Linking Primate Anatomy and Human Imaging [24].


23. Sheffler, P., et al., Cognitive and metacognitive, motivational, and resource considerations for learning new skills across the lifespan. 2022. 13(2): p. e1585.

24. Haber, S.N. and B. Knutson, The Reward Circuit: Linking Primate Anatomy and Human Imaging. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2010. 35(1): p. 4-26

(15). 01:17:11 Tool 12: “Middle Problem”; Time Chunking 

Dr. Maya Shankar brings attention to a prevalent phenomenon known as the "middle problem," which refers to a decline in motivation that often occurs during the intermediate stage of striving toward a specific objective. This phenomenon has the potential to result in feelings of irritation and a decline in overall performance. In order to address this challenge, it is imperative for individuals to recognize the presence of the intermediate issue and employ efficacious techniques. Recognizing the existence of a potential obstacle and demonstrating empathy for the perspectives of others can contribute to the sustenance of progress. The approach known as "chunking" entails the division of the central phase of a goal pursuit into smaller, more manageable portions. For instance, one may divide a 20-minute period into three or four smaller intervals within a one-hour learning session. This particular technique aids in the preservation of motivation and concentration, hence reducing the adverse effects caused by the issue at hand. The utilization of chunking and tailored tactics can be implemented in both specific learning sessions and more extensive timeframes. Strategies such as employing the visual Target strategy or dividing sessions into consecutive 15-minute intervals can enhance the efficiency of navigating this particular phase. By acknowledging the central issue and employing chunking strategies, in conjunction with appropriate tools and processes, one can effectively address this decline in motivation. Similar to how athletes train for challenging inclines during a race, purposeful exertion in tiny increments can guarantee the effective accomplishment of objectives, even when confronted with obstacles in the midst [25].


Scales, P.C., et al., Effects of developmental relationships with teachers on middle‐school students’ motivation and performance. 2020. 57(4): p. 646-677.

(16). 01:23:16 Tool 13: Circadian Rhythm & Attention 

Dr. Andrew Huberman emphasizes the importance of understanding circadian cycles in improving learning and performance. Circadian rhythms play a pivotal role in the regulation of attention and motivation during a 24-hour cycle, exhibiting three distinct times that are particularly conducive to heightened levels of focus and motivation. The observed temporal patterns are indicative of variations in body temperature and the secretion of neurotransmitters. However, strict adherence to these specified hours is sometimes impeded by schedules that are influenced by a range of factors, including employment, familial obligations, and other duties that individuals may have. To optimize focus and motivation, it is advisable to establish a flexible schedule for purpose-driven sessions while considering individual preferences and obligations. The attribute of adaptability is of significant value, as it enables individuals to surmount difficulties and attain beneficial outcomes, particularly in circumstances where the pursuit of goals within the designated period is unattainable. The key determinants of achieving success encompass the qualities of adaptability and unwavering commitment to the pursuit, even in circumstances where the most advantageous conditions may not be available. In summary, a thorough understanding of an individual's circadian rhythms helps enhance the strategic scheduling of goal-oriented activities in order to optimize levels of focus and drive. However, in order to achieve success, it is crucial to exhibit both adaptability and steadfast dedication to actively engage in the undertaking, even surpassing the suggested time parameters [26].

Figure 11. Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, Immunity, and Fragility in the Elderly: The Model of the Susceptibility to Infections [27].


26. Valdez, P., Circadian Rhythms in Attention. Yale J Biol Med, 2019. 92(1): p. 81-92.

27. Garbarino, S., et al., Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, Immunity, and Fragility in the Elderly: The Model of the Susceptibility to Infections. 2020. 11

(17). 01:30:09 Tool 14: Protocol Flexibility, Subjective Feelings

The impact of sleep quality and quantity, as well as our subjective evaluation of previous and future experiences, on our daily energy levels and overall well-being, is substantial. The experience of feeling contentment over past achievements and retaining an optimistic attitude towards current and future endeavors has the capacity to enhance an individual's levels of energy and vigor. Engaging in task completion elicits a sense of accomplishment, even when it requires sacrificing sleep or overcoming challenges amid unfavorable circumstances. The phenomenon of accomplishment is plausibly linked to a variety of neurochemicals, potentially encompassing dopamine and other endogenous hormones. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that focusing just on the neurochemical aspect is not the principal determinant. The initial observation to be noted is the recognition of the underlying phenomenon of heightened alertness and motivation upon waking up. Nevertheless, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of setting and actively striving for goals. The process of goal setting and pursuit involves the execution of actions, the creation of specific and measurable goals, the definition of clear timeframes, and the incorporation of actionable verbs. By adhering to these principles and using them in practical applications, individuals can effectively harness the benefits of circadian rhythms and feel the satisfaction that accompanies the achievement of their goals [28].

Figure 12. Impact of sleep duration on executive function and brain structure [29].


28. Liebenow, B., et al., Subjective Feelings associated with Expectations and Rewards during Risky Decision-making in Impulse Control Disorder. 2022.

29. Tai, X.Y., et al., Impact of sleep duration on executive function and brain structure. Communications Biology, 2022. 5(1): p. 201.
