There is an urgent need for quantitative assays in verifying and validating the large numbers of protein biomarker candidates produced in modern “-omics” experiments. Stable isotope standards with capture by anti-peptide antibodies (SISCAPA) has shown tremendous potential to meet this need by combining peptide immunoaffinity enrichment with quantitative mass spectrometry. In this study, we describe three significant advances to the SISCAPA technique. First, we develop a method for an automated magnetic bead-based platform capable of high throughput processing. Second, we implement the automated method in a multiplexed SISCAPA assay (nine targets in one assay) and assess the performance characteristics of the multiplexed assay. Using the automated, multiplexed platform, we demonstrate detection limits in the physiologically relevant ng/ml range (from 10 µl of plasma) with sufficient precision (median coefficient of variation, 12.6%) for quantifying biomarkers. Third, we demonstrate that enrichment of peptides from larger volumes of plasma (1 ml) can extend the limits of detection to the low pg/ml range of protein concentration. The method is generally applicable to any protein or biological specimen of interest and holds great promise for analyzing large numbers of biomarker candidates. There is an urgent need for quantitative assays in verifying and validating the large numbers of protein biomarker candidates produced in modern “-omics” experiments. Stable isotope standards with capture by anti-peptide antibodies (SISCAPA) has shown tremendous potential to meet this need by combining peptide immunoaffinity enrichment with quantitative mass spectrometry. In this study, we describe three significant advances to the SISCAPA technique. First, we develop a method for an automated magnetic bead-based platform capable of high throughput processing. Second, we implement the automated method in a multiplexed SISCAPA assay (nine targets in one assay) and assess the performance characteristics of the multiplexed assay. Using the automated, multiplexed platform, we demonstrate detection limits in the physiologically relevant ng/ml range (from 10 µl of plasma) with sufficient precision (median coefficient of variation, 12.6%) for quantifying biomarkers. Third, we demonstrate that enrichment of peptides from larger volumes of plasma (1 ml) can extend the limits of detection to the low pg/ml range of protein concentration. The method is generally applicable to any protein or biological specimen of interest and holds great promise for analyzing large numbers of biomarker candidates. The current gold standard for quantifying protein biomarkers is the ELISA. A well functioning ELISA can be run at high throughput and has excellent sensitivity; however, the cost associated with development is very high, the lead time is very long, and the failure rate can be high. In addition, sandwich immunoassays are subject to potential interference from endogenous antibodies (1Preissner C.M. O'Kane D.J. Singh R.J. Morris J.C. Grebe S.K. Phantoms in the assay tube: Heterophile antibody interferences in serum thyroglobulin assays.J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2003; 88: 3069-3074Crossref PubMed Scopus (163) Google Scholar). Unfortunately, there are no quantitative assays available for the majority of biomarker candidates, and a considerable investment is required to generate assays de novo, creating a bottleneck in the biomarker pipeline (2Rifai N. Gillette M.A. Carr S.A. Protein biomarker discovery and validation: the long and uncertain path to clinical utility.Nat. Biotechnol. 2006; 24: 971-983Crossref PubMed Scopus (1383) Google Scholar, 3Paulovich A.G. Whiteaker J.R. Hoofnagle A.N. Wang P. The interface between biomarker discovery and clinical validation: the tar pit of the protein biomarker pipeline.Proteomics Clin. Appl. 2008; 2: 1386-1402Crossref PubMed Scopus (175) Google Scholar). A technique that has shown potential for bridging the gap between discovery and validation of biomarkers is stable isotope standards with capture by anti-peptide antibodies (SISCAPA) 1The abbreviations used are:SISCAPAstable isotope standards with capture by anti-peptide antibodiesMRMmultiple reaction monitoringLODlimit of detectionLOQlimit of quantificationCVcoefficient of variationOPNosteopontin (4Anderson N.L. Anderson N.G. Haines L.R. Hardie D.B. Olafson R.W. Pearson T.W. Mass spectrometric quantitation of peptides and proteins using stable isotope standards and capture by anti-peptide antibodies (SISCAPA).J. Proteome Res. 2004; 3: 235-244Crossref PubMed Scopus (697) Google Scholar) coupled to multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) MS. SISCAPA has several advantages over other immunoassays in that the mass spectrometer provides excellent specificity for the analyte of interest; the sample (including endogenous immunoglobulins) is digested to peptides, avoiding potential interference from endogenous antibodies; and precise, relative quantification is possible via the use of an internal standard. Additionally, although it is very difficult to combine multiple analytes into one assay (i.e. multiplex) using ELISAs, SISCAPA assays can in theory be highly multiplexed as many analytes can be measured from a single enrichment step. To date, individual SISCAPA assays have been successfully configured to a number of analytes (4Anderson N.L. Anderson N.G. Haines L.R. Hardie D.B. Olafson R.W. Pearson T.W. Mass spectrometric quantitation of peptides and proteins using stable isotope standards and capture by anti-peptide antibodies (SISCAPA).J. Proteome Res. 2004; 3: 235-244Crossref PubMed Scopus (697) Google Scholar, 5Whiteaker J.R. Zhang H. Zhao L. Wang P. Kelly-Spratt K.S. Ivey R.G. Piening B.D. Feng L.C. Kasarda E. Gurley K.E. Eng J.K. Chodosh L.A. Kemp C.J. McIntosh M.W. Paulovich A.G. Integrated pipeline for mass spectrometry-based discovery and confirmation of biomarkers demonstrated in a mouse model of breast cancer.J. Proteome Res. 2007; 6: 3962-3975Crossref PubMed Scopus (162) Google Scholar, 6Berna M. Schmalz C. Duffin K. Mitchell P. Chambers M. Ackermann B. Online immunoaffinity liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry determination of a type II collagen peptide biomarker in rat urine: investigation of the impact of collision-induced dissociation fluctuation on peptide quantitation.Anal. Biochem. 2006; 356: 235-243Crossref PubMed Scopus (46) Google Scholar, 7Hoofnagle A.N. Becker J.O. Wener M.H. Heinecke J.W. Quantification of thyroglobulin, a low-abundance serum protein, by immunoaffinity peptide enrichment and tandem mass spectrometry.Clin. Chem. 2008; 54: 1796-1804Crossref PubMed Scopus (246) Google Scholar, 8Kuhn E. Addona T. Keshishian H. Burgess M. Mani D.R. Lee R.T. Sabatine M.S. Gerszten R.E. Carr S.A. Developing multiplexed assays for troponin I and interleukin-33 in plasma by peptide immunoaffinity enrichment and targeted mass spectrometry.Clin. Chem. 2009; 55: 1108-1117Crossref PubMed Scopus (211) Google Scholar, 9Ackermann B.L. Berna M.J. Coupling immunoaffinity techniques with MS for quantitative analysis of low-abundance protein biomarkers.Expert Rev. Proteomics. 2007; 4: 175-186Crossref PubMed Scopus (151) Google Scholar), and up to three peptides have been enriched simultaneously (7Hoofnagle A.N. Becker J.O. Wener M.H. Heinecke J.W. Quantification of thyroglobulin, a low-abundance serum protein, by immunoaffinity peptide enrichment and tandem mass spectrometry.Clin. Chem. 2008; 54: 1796-1804Crossref PubMed Scopus (246) Google Scholar, 8Kuhn E. Addona T. Keshishian H. Burgess M. Mani D.R. Lee R.T. Sabatine M.S. Gerszten R.E. Carr S.A. Developing multiplexed assays for troponin I and interleukin-33 in plasma by peptide immunoaffinity enrichment and targeted mass spectrometry.Clin. Chem. 2009; 55: 1108-1117Crossref PubMed Scopus (211) Google Scholar). In this study, we sought to advance the utility of SISCAPA for testing large numbers of biomarker candidates in large numbers of patient samples by automating the method to improve throughput and performance, testing the performance of multiplexing analytes, and improving sensitivity. stable isotope standards with capture by anti-peptide antibodies multiple reaction monitoring limit of detection limit of quantification coefficient of variation osteopontin Stable isotope peptide standards were obtained from Sigma as the absolute quantification paired reagents, including purification by HPLC and quantification by amino acid analysis. The stable isotope label (13C,15N) was incorporated at the lysine or arginine position, resulting in a mass shift of +8 or +10 Da, respectively. Dynabeads® Protein G magnetic beads were obtained from Invitrogen. An ELISA kit for osteopontin (product number DY441) was obtained from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN). Solvents and chemical reagents were obtained from Fisher. Tryptic peptide sequences with a C-terminal linker (Gly-Ser-Gly-Cys) were conjugated to a carrier protein (keyhole limpet hemocyanin) and used as antigens for immunization. Two rabbits were immunized, and one rabbit with higher antibody titer (based on ELISA) was chosen as the source of polyclonal antiserum. Polyclonal antibodies were affinity-purified on peptide-agarose conjugates. The concentration of purified antibody was determined by Bradford assay. A pool of mouse plasma obtained from Sigma (catalog number P9275) was used as a matrix for immunoaffinity enrichment experiments. 9 m urea, 300 mm Tris, pH 8.0, and 500 mm DTT solutions were added to a pool of 5 ml of plasma (for individual sample digestions, 10-µl aliquots were used) for a final concentration of 6 m urea and 20 mm DTT. The plasma was incubated for 30 min at 37 °C, and a 500 mm iodoacetamide solution was added for a final concentration of 40 mm iodoacetamide and incubated for another 30 min at room temperature in the dark. Before addition of trypsin, the urea concentration in plasma was diluted with 100 mm Tris, pH 8.0 to a final concentration of 0.55 m urea. Sigma trypsin (l-1-tosylamido-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone-treated, catalog number T1426) was prepared at 1 µg/µl in 100 mm Tris, added to plasma with gentle mixing to achieve a 1:50 enzyme/substrate ratio, and incubated at 37 °C for 16 h. To quench the trypsin activity after digestion, concentrated formic acid was added for a final concentration of 1% (v/v). The plasma digest was desalted on a Supelco DSC-18 column. The cartridge was conditioned with 3 × 10 ml of 0.1% formic acid in 80% acetonitrile and equilibrated with 4 × 10 ml of 0.1% formic acid in water. The plasma digest was applied to the cartridge at a low flow rate to ensure maximum binding. The cartridge was washed with 0.1% formic acid in water four times. The digest was eluted with 10 ml of 0.1% formic acid in 80% acetonitrile two times. The plasma digest was dried by vacuum centrifugation and resuspended in PBS to the original plasma volume. The pH of the digest was adjusted to pH 7.4 using 2 m Tris, pH 9.0 prior to peptide immunoaffinity enrichment experiments. Enrichment experiments were performed in 96-well plates. For the capture experiment, 10 µl of plasma digest was added to a sample well along with analyte peptides and 1 µg of anti-peptide antibody. The final volume of the sample was adjusted to 100 µl with PBS + 0.03% CHAPS. For multiplexed experiments, 1 µg of anti-peptide antibody was added for each analyte in the mixture (total, 9 µg of antibody). Once the antibody was added to the sample, the plates were allowed to incubate overnight (∼16 h) at 4 °C. A KingFisher (Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA) magnetic particle processor with a PCR magnetic head was used for all bead handling associated with peptide immunoaffinity enrichment experiments (see supplemental information for a detailed description of the automation method). 25 µl of Protein G-immobilized magnetic beads were loaded per well of a 96-well plate and washed with PBS + 0.03% CHAPS for 5 min. The beads were transferred to the binding plate (from overnight incubation of antibody) and mixed for 1 h. The beads were passed to the next position for a 1-min wash in PBS buffer + 0.03% CHAPS. The wash step was repeated in the next two positions for a total of three washes. For the final wash, the PBS was diluted 1:10 to reduce the salt concentration. Finally, beads were moved to the elution plate containing 13 µl of 5% acetic acid with 0.03% CHAPS and were incubated for 5 min. The elution plate was covered with adhesive foil and frozen at −80 °C until analysis by mass spectrometry. An Eksigent 2DLC system (Eksigent Technologies, Dublin, CA) equipped with a nanoautosampler was used for liquid chromatography. Solvents used were water, 0.1% formic acid (mobile phase A) and 90% acetonitrile, 0.1% formic acid (mobile phase B). Samples were loaded onto a trap column (0.3 × 5 mm, LC Packings PepMap Acclaim C18) for 5 min at 3 µl/min with 3% mobile phase B. For elution, the trap was connected in line with a 0.075 × 100-mm PicoFrit (New Objective, Woburn, MA) column packed with 3-µm ReproSil C18-AQ particles (Dr. Maisch). The LC gradient was delivered at 300 nl/min and consisted of a linear gradient of mobile phase B developed from 3 to 40% B in 10 min. At the end of the run, the trap column was back-flushed with 3% mobile phase B for 5 min at a flow rate of 3 µl/min. The nano-LC system was connected to a hybrid triple quadrupole/ion trap mass spectrometer (4000 QTRAP, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) equipped with a nanoelectrospray interface operated in the positive ion mode. Typical instrument settings included a spray voltage of 2.3 kV, an ion source temperature of 150 °C, a GS1 (nebulizer gas) setting of 12, and curtain gas setting of 15. Optimum transitions and parameters for declustering potential, entrance potential, collision energy, and cell exit potential were determined for each peptide by infusion of a solution of 1 pmol/µl peptide (see supplemental Table 1). Three transitions for each peptide were selected for monitoring. Retention times for the peptides were determined by analyzing a standard solution. Scheduled MRM transitions were inputted to Analyst 1.5 using a retention time window of 80 s and a desired cycle time of 0.5 s (minimum dwell time, 10 ms), enabling sufficient points across a peak for accurate quantitation. MRM data acquired on the 4000 QTRAP were analyzed by MultiQuant v1.1 (Applied Biosystems). Typical integration settings were a smoothing width of three points and a peak splitting factor of 2. Peak integrations were reviewed manually, and transitions from analyte peptides were confirmed by the same retention times of the light synthetic peptides and heavy stable isotope-labeled peptides. Linear regression was performed in MultiQuant on the peak area ratio versus spiked peptide mole ratio using 1/x2 weighting to construct response curves. The most abundant transition was selected as the “quantifier” transition to be used in quantitative and statistical analyses. The limits of detection (LODs) and limits of quantification (LOQs) were calculated from the response of a triplicate analysis of a blank sample (light peptide + endogenous peptide signal only, no heavy isotope-labeled peptide added). The LOD was determined by the average response of the heavy peptide in the blank plus 3 times the standard deviation of the noise in the blank (determined by integrating the detector response at the time of expected peptide elution). Similarly, the LOQ was defined as the average response plus 10 times the standard deviation of the noise in the blank. Percent coefficient of variation is expressed as the percent relative standard deviation (standard deviation divided by the mean). Peptide concentration was calculated using a single point calibration (i.e. response relative to spiked internal standard), assuring the measured ratio was within the linear range determined by the response curve. We sought to partially automate the current SISCAPA protocol, to assess the effects of multiplexing on SISCAPA assay performance, and to assess whether capturing from larger plasma volumes results in improved sensitivity of SISCAPA assays. We targeted 15 proteins from our previous murine biomarker discovery efforts (5Whiteaker J.R. Zhang H. Zhao L. Wang P. Kelly-Spratt K.S. Ivey R.G. Piening B.D. Feng L.C. Kasarda E. Gurley K.E. Eng J.K. Chodosh L.A. Kemp C.J. McIntosh M.W. Paulovich A.G. Integrated pipeline for mass spectrometry-based discovery and confirmation of biomarkers demonstrated in a mouse model of breast cancer.J. Proteome Res. 2007; 6: 3962-3975Crossref PubMed Scopus (162) Google Scholar). Proteotypic peptides for each protein were selected based on several criteria, including uniqueness to the protein of interest, reasonable ionization efficiency and fragmentation based on empirical MS/MS data, and no known sites for post-translational modifications. (Peptide antigenicity based on protein properties was not considered because secondary protein structure is less likely to affect the choice of a peptide in SISCAPA as enrichment is performed on digested proteins.) The proteins and their respective peptides are shown in Table I. For each of the 15 peptides in Table I, light and heavy stable isotope-labeled standards were synthesized, and affinity-purified polyclonal anti-peptide antibodies were generated. The synthetic peptides were used to select transitions and optimize MS parameters for MRM experiments (see supplemental Table 1). The three most abundant transitions were chosen for each peptide with preference given to y-ions to ensure that the heavy peptide MRM transitions contained the isotope label ([13C,15N]lysine or [13C,15N]arginine).Table IProtein targets, their respective proteotypic peptides, and performance of individual and multiplexed SISCAPA assaysDescriptionPeptideIndividual assayMultiplex assayRecoveryS.D.RecoveryS.D.%%CalumeninSFDQLTPEESK51. isomeraseVEGFPTIYFAPSGDK84. up-regulatedLYQPEYQEVSTEEQR75.037.963.46.9LegumainDYTGEDVTPENFLAVLR58. protein D52LGISSLQEFK7. sarcomaGDATVSYEDPPTAK0.00.0NANAEzrinSQEQLAAELAEYTAK0.10.0NANAFibrinogenYLQEIYNSNNQK0.30.1NANAK-caseinGEKNDIVYDEQR0.50.3NANANucleobindinAATADLEQYDR0.10.0NANATenascin CVPGDQTSTTIR0.10.0NANA Open table in a new tab We have previously reported on the use of magnetic beads for peptide immunoaffinity enrichment (10Whiteaker J.R. Zhao L. Zhang H.Y. Feng L.C. Piening B.D. Anderson L. Paulovich A.G. Antibody-based enrichment of peptides on magnetic beads for mass-spectrometry-based quantification of serum biomarkers.Anal. Biochem. 2007; 362: 44-54Crossref PubMed Scopus (234) Google Scholar), raising the possibility of a higher throughput, automated SISCAPA protocol. In addition, magnetic beads are an attractive platform for the SISCAPA enrichment because many samples can be processed in parallel. To enable analysis of a large number of samples with good repeatability, we sought to automate the sample handling during the enrichment process using a KingFisher magnetic particle processor to perform all the bead handling steps of the protocol. Among other applications, the KingFisher has been used for protein and peptide profiling in serum (11Jimenez C.R. El Filali Z. Knol J.C. Hoekman K. Kruyt F.A.E. Giaccone G. Smit A.B. Li K.W. Automated serum peptide profiling using novel magnetic C18 beads off-line coupled to MALDI-TOF-MS.Proteomics Clin. Appl. 2007; 1: 598-604Crossref PubMed Scopus (28) Google Scholar) and phosphopeptide enrichment (12Ficarro S.B. Adelmant G. Tomar M.N. Zhang Y. Cheng V.J. Marto J.A. Magnetic bead processor for rapid evaluation and optimization of parameters for phosphopeptide enrichment.Anal. Chem. 2009; 81: 4566-4575Crossref PubMed Scopus (124) Google Scholar). Our automation protocol is described in detail under “Experimental Procedures.” Briefly, we used seven plates to accomplish several steps, including a preliminary washing of the beads in PBS, incubation and mixing of the beads with the sample, washing of the bead-antibody-peptide complex, elution of the peptide for MS analysis, and removal of the beads from the elution buffer plate. The addition of CHAPS detergent to buffers in the bead handling process was observed to facilitate dispersal of the beads and help mixing. Samples were processed in 96-well plates for high throughput parallel sample processing. Peptide recovery following SISCAPA capture provides a metric for optimizing and evaluating changes to the overall protocol. In addition, the recovery gives an initial assessment of the potential performance of the assay before embarking on full characterization of the assay (e.g. a full calibration curve). We use the peptide recovery to accomplish two goals: 1) compare the relative recoveries of each analyte and 2) compare the results of the individual assays with those from a multiplexed SISCAPA experiment. A work flow was designed to estimate the relative recovery of each peptide following immunoaffinity enrichment (see supplemental Fig. 1 for a flow diagram of the experiment). The recovery was determined by measuring the relative amount of peptide before and after the enrichment process. A known amount of light synthetic peptide was spiked into a digest of plasma along with 100 fmol of heavy stable isotope-labeled standard. The sample was diluted and analyzed by MRM mass spectrometry to determine the amount of light peptide in the sample relative to the spiked internal standard. To a separate aliquot of plasma digest, the light peptide was spiked at the same concentration, and the sample was processed by immunoaffinity enrichment (without the addition of the heavy peptide standard). The heavy peptide standard was added to the sample following the immunoaffinity enrichment, and the ratio of light/heavy peptide was determined by MRM. Finally, the relative ratio of light/heavy peptide following the enrichment process was compared with the ratio before enrichment to estimate the recovery efficiency. First, recovery was measured for each peptide in an individual assay (Table I). Overall, recoveries ranged from less than 1% to over 80%. The six antibodies yielding recovery less than 7% were deemed to be non-working. For three of the targets for which the antibody did not work (Ewing sarcoma (GDATVSYEDPPTAK), ezrin (SQEQLAAELAEYTAK), and nucleobindin (AATADLEQYDR)), the affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies from a second rabbit were evaluated for capture efficiency. These antibodies also did not produce a detectable amount of peptide in the eluate, suggesting that some peptides have poor antigenicity. Those assays that showed recovery greater than 7% (nine in total) were carried forward to a multiplexed assay. Note that in the multiplexed assay an equivalent amount of antibody per peptide was added (1 µg per target; 9 µg total), and the amount of magnetic beads added was increased by the same factor (×9) compared with the individual assays. This was done to ensure the same concentration ratios between the two experiments. As shown in Table I, recoveries of disulfide isomerase (VEGFPTIYFAPSGDK), hypoxia up-regulated (LYQPEYQEVSTEEQR), and osteopontin (GDSLAYGLR) went down slightly with multiplexing (average 18%), whereas the recoveries of fibulin-2 (IGPAPAFAGDTISLTITK) and L-plastin (YTLNILEDIGGGQK) went up with multiplexing (average 115%), and the recoveries of calumenin (SFDQLTPEESK), legumain (DYTGEDVTPENFLAVLR), plectin-8 (AGTLSITEFADMLSGNAGGFR), and tumor protein D52 (LGISSLQEFK) were the same whether multiplexed or individual. Hence, where the highest sensitivity assays are required (i.e. when measuring analytes near the LOQ), further optimization of individual assays may be necessary to optimize assay sensitivity, and it may be beneficial to multiplex assays associated with similar optimization parameters (e.g. capture volume, capture and elution buffer, etc.) Nonetheless, based on the data in Table I, we were satisfied that overall the recovery efficiencies for the 9-plex panel was sufficient for further assay characterization as described below. To determine the performance characteristics of the automated, multiplexed method, we assessed the linear range, limits of detection and quantification, and precision for each analyte by constructing a response curve in a pooled reference mouse plasma matrix. Some analytes were expected to yield a response due to endogenous protein in the sample prohibiting direct determination of the lower detection limits and complete linear range; therefore, we spiked in the heavy stable isotope-labeled synthetic peptide at varying concentrations (0.064–1000 fmol) to be used as the analyte while spiking in light synthetic peptide at the same concentration in each sample (100 fmol) to be used as internal standard. This allowed for response curves to be generated to characterize the lower limits of detection/quantitation and the full linear range of response in the matrix of interest by eliminating peptide interference from the endogenous peptides. Subsequent calculations of peptide concentration were based on a single point calibration (i.e. relative to the internal standard), assuring that the measured ratio was within the linear range. This assumes the responses of light and heavy synthetic peptides are equivalent. The enrichment process was performed in triplicate for each concentration, and the entire curve was performed on three independent days to evaluate repeatability. The KingFisher platform was used to automate processing of the samples in 96-well plate format prior to analysis by LC-MRM mass spectrometry. For each sample, nine peptides were spiked into the plasma digest and enriched using the anti-peptide antibodies. The peak area ratio of heavy stable isotope-labeled peptide to light synthetic peptide was plotted to obtain a response curve. For each curve, the average concentration was calculated from repeats across three separate days and plotted for each analyte. The response curves for the multiplexed assay are shown in Fig. 1a as a plot of the (back-calculated) measured concentration of each analyte as a function of the expected peptide concentration based on the spiked peptide level (response curves for the individual analytes are plotted in supplemental Fig. 2 note that each of the three transitions per analyte generated very similar curves, indicating no matrix interference and good specificity using the selected transitions). For reference, Fig. 1b shows the response curves for the same analytes converted to protein concentration (in ng/ml) in plasma based on the peptide amount and molecular mass of the protein, assuming there is no loss to incomplete digestion. Overall, the dynamic range of response was about 3–4 orders of magnitude with excellent linearity (R2 > 0.99). Parameters for the linear regression of each analyte are provided in supplemental Fig. 2. The precision (expressed as percent coefficient of variation, %CV) for the replicate captures from all 3 days is presented in Table II. Overall, the median CV was 12.6%. Of all the interday data, 84% of the values had a measured CV lower than 25%. Generally, the variation appeared to be highest near the LOQ. For example, the %CV for calumenin (SFDQLTPEESK) and legumain (DYTGEDVTPENFLAVLR) tends to be higher at lower concentrations.Table IIVariability (reported as %CV) for multiplexed SISCAPA assay performed on 3 separate days in 10 µl of plasmaAnalytePeptide concentrationProtein concentration%CVDay 1Day 2Day 3Totalnng/mlng/mlCalumenin, SFDQLTPEESK0.,7066.41.50.715.39Disulfide isomerase A4, VEGFPTIYFAPSGDK0.311.512.310.414.315.591.357.63.57.919.613.896.52881.93.814.18.5932.51,4391.,1973., IGPAPAFAGDTISLTITK0.221.112.977.828.839.991.21055.824.413.117.196.152710.128.817.920.8930.32,63615.21.96.710.0915113,18212. up-regulated, LYQPEYQEVSTEEQR0.13.637.03.752.255.890.317.817.739.318.636.591.589.08.112.613.114.997.64459.711.05.613.4838.02,22418.,12112., DYTGEDVTPENFLAVLR0.37.914.49.020.316.491.639.513.117.914.414.897.81974.,9378., YTLNILEDIGGGQK0.,30024.32.617.326.091526,50041., GDSLAYGLR0.031.915.931.26.525.990.29.69.410.013.311.990.848.01.311.016.111.493.82404.535.310.924.2919.01,2002.41.510.637.2995.16,0004., AGTLSITEFADMLSGNAGGFR0.716674.321.455.568.993.482836.216.719.427.0916.94,13969.126.920.352.5984.620,69355.216.223.936.39423103,46639.515.719.325.29Tumor protein D52, LGISSLQEFK0.23.222.918.015.022.590.916.024.145.819.031.194.580.216.722.32.915.0922.440127.,00631. Open table in a new tab LODs and LOQs were defined as the mean plus three standard deviations and 10 standard deviations, respectively, of the response measured in the blank runs (internal standard peptide added to plasma and processed by SISCAPA). Table III shows the calculated LOD and LOQ for each analyte enriched from 10 µl of plasma. Overall, the values were excellent for most analytes, permitting quantification in the pg/ml range of peptide concentration, corresponding to the ng/ml range of protein concentrations (assuming complete trypsin digestion). Comparison of these levels with the performance characteristics reported in Table II shows acceptable precision determined at or near the LOQ, emp