This paper compares the performance of shunt and series/shunt single-pole double-throw nMOS switches designed in a 0.13 mum SiGe BiCMOS process for X-band phased array transmit/receive modules. From 8.5 to 10.5 GHz, the worst case return loss, insertion loss, and isolation are 14.5, 1.89, and 20.5 dB, respectively, for the reflective shunt switch, and 22.2, 2.33, and 22.5 dB, respectively, for the absorptive series/shunt switch. Both switches exhibit an IIP 3 of about 28 dBm and dissipate no dc power. The performance of these switches are comparable to other CMOS switches found in triple well technologies, on non-standard substrates, using special device structures, or using extra dc biases