Considering a growing number of criminal acts, there is an urgent need to introduce computerized command systems in security forces. This study presents a novel deep learning model specifically developed for identifying seven different categories of weapons. The suggested model utilizes the VGGNet architecture and is implemented utilizing the Keras architecture, which is built on top of the TensorFlow framework. The model is trained to recognize several types of weapons, including assault rifles, bazookas, grenades, hunting rifles, knives, handguns, and revolvers. The training procedure involves creating layers, executing processes, saving training data, determining success rates, and testing the model. A customized dataset, consisting of seven different weapon categories, has been meticulously chosen and organized to support the training of the proposed model network. We do a comparative study using the newly created dataset, specifically comparing it with established models such as VGG-16, ResNet-50, and ResNet-101. The suggested model exhibits exceptional classification accuracy, obtaining a remarkable 98.40%, outperforming the VGG-16 model (89.75% accuracy), ResNet-50 model (93.70% accuracy), and ResNet-101 model (83.33% accuracy). This research provides a vital viewpoint on the effectiveness of the suggested deep learning model in dealing with the complex problem of weapon classification, presenting encouraging outcomes that could greatly improve the capabilities of security forces in countering criminal activities.