This work focuses mainly on wind energy usage as a renewable source for energy generation in urban environments, where the variability of air current flow is a challenge. One of the main objectives to be achieved in this study is to develop small vertical wind turbines. Design thinking methodology was used to innovative ideas development using the application of concepts from rapid prototyping (additive manufacturing). As a target object to idealize an innovative product, was the providing of a mobile equipment recharging system, using the air current generated by the urban public transport vehicles. As a result, a modular system of small power generation was produced, tested, and validated. The mini-turbine with the best performance in power generation in wind flows lower than 4 m/s was the VAWT, which achieved the smallest difference, 18 % greater. Therefore, it was demonstrated that the installation of small wind turbines in an urbanized area requires a minimum of wind measurements at the exact location to validate the innovative design.