Supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model with small R-parity andlepton number violating couplings are naturally consistent with primordialnucleosynthesis, thermal leptogenesis and gravitino dark matter. We considersupergravity models with universal boundary conditions at the grand unificationscale, and scalar tau-lepton or bino-like neutralino as next-to-lightestsuperparticle (NLSP). Recent Fermi-LAT data on the isotropic diffuse gamma-rayflux yield a lower bound on the gravitino lifetime. Comparing two-bodygravitino and neutralino decays we find a lower bound on a neutralino NLSPdecay length, $c \tau_{\chi^0_1} \gsim 30 cm$. Together with gravitino andneutralino masses one obtains a microscopic determination of the Planck mass.For a stau-NLSP there exists no model-independent lower bound on the decaylength. Here the strongest bound comes from the requirement that thecosmological baryon asymmetry is not washed out, which yields $c\tau_{\tilde\tau_1} \gsim 4 mm$. However, without fine-tuning of parameters,one finds much larger decay lengths. For typical masses, $m_{3/2} \sim 100 GeV$and $m_{NLSP} \sim 150 GeV$, the discovery of a photon line with an intensityclose to the Fermi-LAT limit would imply a decay length $c\tau_{NLSP}$ ofseveral hundred meters, which can be measured at the LHC.