Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a newly developed high resolution microscopy technique which is capable of mapping forces near surfaces or, by means of these forces, the topography of the surface itself. In one mode of operation, AFM can resolve individual atoms on both conducting and insulating surfaces. A crucial component for the AFM is a flexible force-sensing cantilever stylus, whose properties should include, among other things: a sharp tip, a low force constant, and a high mechanical resonance frequency. These requirements can be met by reducing the size of the cantilever stylus through microfabrication techniques and employing novel methods to construct a sharp tip. Presented here are a number of microfabrication processes for constructing cantilever styli with properties ideal for the AFM. These fabrication processes include (1) a method for producing thin film SiO2 or Si3N4 cantilevers without tips, (2) a method for producing Si3N4 cantilevers with integrated pyramidal tips formed by using an etch pit on the (100) surface of Si as a mold, (3) a method for producing SiO2 cantilevers with conical tips formed by a combination of isotropic and anisotropic plasma etching of a small Si post, and (4) a method for producing SiO2 cantilevers with integrated tetrahedral tips formed by anisotropically etching a corner of a small Si post to a sharp point. Each of these processes uses a (100) Si wafer as a substrate and relies on conventional batch fabrication techniques. The quality (i.e., sharpness) of the tips produced by the above methods matches or exceeds that of conventional tips used in the AFM or scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Alternative methods for producing tips by evaporation of material through an orifice or by selective chemical vapor deposition of W metal into a pyramidal etch pit in Si have been demonstrated, but these methods have not yet been successfully used in cantilever assemblies.