The temperature dependence of the elastic scattering processes $qq'\to qq'$and $q\bar q'\to q\bar q'$, with $q, q' = u, d, s$ is studied as a function ofthe scattering angle and the center of mass energy of the collision within theframework of the $SU_f(3)$ Nambu--Jona--Lasinio model. Critical scattering atthreshold is observed in the $q\bar q'\to q\bar q'$ process, leading to anenhancement of the cross section as occurs in the phenomenon of criticalopalescence. Transport properties such as viscosity, mean free paths andthermal relaxation times are calculated. Strangeness enhancement isinvestigated via the chemical relaxation times, which are found to beconsiderably higher than those calculated via perturbative QCD. A comparisonwith the experimental values for the strangeness enhancement in $S+S$collisions leads to an upper limit of 4~fm/$c$ for the lifetime of the plasma.