We embed a thermal dark matter (DM) candidate within the clockwork framework.This mechanism allows to stabilize the DM particle over cosmological timebecause it suppresses its decay into Standard Model (SM) particles. At the sametime, pair annihilations are unsuppressed, so that the relic density is set bythe usual freeze-out of the DM particle from the thermal bath. The slow decayof the DM candidate is induced by "clockwork" particles that can be quite light(rather than at some GUT or Planck scale) and could be searched for at currentor future colliders. According to the scenario considered, the very sameparticles also mediate the annihilation process, thus providing a connectionbetween DM annihilation and DM decay, and fixing the mass scale of theclockwork states, otherwise unconstrained, to be in the TeV range or lighter.We then show how this setup can minimally emerge from the deconstruction of anextra dimension in flat spacetime. Finally, we argue that the clockworkmechanism that we consider could induce Majorana neutrino masses, with a seesawscale of order TeV or less and Yukawa couplings of order unity.