Black soybean (BS) is a nutritious legume that is high in proteins, essential amino acids, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, isoflavones, and flavones. Traditional approaches for extracting BS bioactive compounds are commonly employed because they are simple and inexpensive, but they use toxic solvents and have lower yields. As a result, new extraction techniques have been developed, such as microwave, ultrasound, and enzyme-assisted extraction. Modern approaches are less harmful to the environment, are faster, and produce higher yields. The major anthocyanin in the BS seed coat was discovered as cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, accounting for nearly 75% of the total anthocyanins. BS and its seed coat also contains phenolic acids (p-hydroxybenzoic, gallic, vanillin, syringic acid), isoflavones (daidzein, glycitein and genistein), flavones, flavonols, flavanones, and flavanols. Bioactive compounds present in BS exhibit antioxidant, anti-cancerous, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, cardio and neuroprotective activities. The characterization and biological activity investigation of these bioactive compounds has provided researchers and food manufacturers with valuable information for developing functional food products and nutraceutical ingredients. In this review, the nutritional makeup of BS is reviewed, and the paper seeks to provide an insight of bioactive compound extraction methods as well as bioactive compounds identified by various researchers. The biological activities of BS extracts and their potential applications in food products (noodles), biodegradable films (pH sensitive film), and therapeutic applications (wound healing and anti-inflammation) are also discussed in the study. Therefore, BS have enormous potential for use in developing functional foods and nutraceutical components. This is the first review of its sort to describe and explain various extraction methodologies and characterization of bioactives, as well as their biological activity recorded in diverse works of literature, making it possible for food manufacturers and scientists to get a quick overview.